DGbet Score Program

Hey DGbet fam!

Welcome to the DGbet score program, your gateway to epic rewards and loyalty perks in our crypto community! We're thrilled to have you on board and can't wait for you to dive into this exciting new chapter with us. Get ready to earn, score, and climb the ranks as you participate in our thrilling ecosystem.

But before we start, there are some Rules:

  1. Duration: All bet’s ever placed on DGbet will be considered
  2. Free bets are not included
  3. Live Bets are included
  4. Combo/Parlay bets are included
  5. Only resolved bets will be considered for points
  6. Cancelled bets are not counted

We will assign our members with different Titles, which will give them access to unique and exclusive benefits, they are:

  1. Newbie
  2. Senior
  3. Expert
  4. Hero
  5. Legend

Introducing a new category - Chad, which will have 5 more membership titles:

  1. Prodigy
  2. Mastermind
  3. Titan
  4. Apex
  5. Supreme

The titles will be defined based on the following criteria:

Betting Volume Table
Membership Titles Lifetime Score
Newbie <= 5000
Senior >= 5000 to 100,000
Expert >=100,000 to 500,000
Hero >=500,000 to 1,000,000
Legend 1,000,000 to 3,000,000
Prodigy 3,000,001 to 10,000,000
Mastermind 10,000,001 to 25,000,000
Titan 25,000,001 to 50,000,000
Apex 50,000,001 to 100,000,000
Supreme >= 100,000,000

Check your score here:  DGbet Score

Score will be calculated based on the below criteria. Look for the example below the table for more clarity.

Bet Legs Leg Multiplier Odds Odds Multiplier Live Bet Live Bet Multiplier
1 1 <=5 1 No 1
2 2 >5 1.5 Yes 1.5
3 3
4 3.5
>5 4

DGbet Score = Betting Volume * (Leg Multiplier * Odd Multiplier * Live Bet multiplier)

All decimals will be rounded up

For example:

  1. User A places a 3 legged combo bet of $400 on an event with Odds 3.4
  2. The DGbet Score: 400 * (3*1*1) = 1200

You can use your score to get access to exclusive Benefits, mentioned below:

Convert your score into Rewards, such as:

  1. Exclusive Freebets & Bonuses
  2. Early Access to new Features
  3. Clubs: Special Access to Events, Contests, Promotions
  4. Dedicated Personal Account Manager

Redemption Avenues:

  1. All the Benefits mentioned above
  2. DGbet Token $DGBT (Will share more on this later)

Logic for Redemption of benefits and token will be shared in due course of time

Based on your titles, you will be eligible for the following benefits:

Status Exclusive Freebets & Bonuses Early Access - New Product Features DGbet Club: Contests DGbet Assistant DGbet Club: Exclusive Events
Newbie Yes No No No No
Senior Yes Yes No No No
Expert Yes Yes Yes No No
Hero Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Legend Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Benefits for Chad Category roles will be exclusively shared with the person.


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